Given the extraordinary circumstances we are facing with COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, Bakrotisak has stepped up its security and safety measures to prevent the spreading of the virus, protect our business and keep our workers safe and healthy. Health and safety of all our stakeholders remain our focus and priority number one and we follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, government bodies and local authorities.


Protection measures in the production process and premises of the company:
Our company Bakrotisak regularly and properly maintains hygiene in working spaces and implements strict hygiene protocols for employees following the requirements of certification standards. By doing so, due to the current emergency situation, we have increased the frequency of cleaning all our workplaces. We have also taken proactive steps to protect all business-critical operations and teams required for their fulfilment. Steps taken include additional hygiene, employees social distancing (including canteens and dressing rooms) and limiting the movement of our employees at our production sites only to those which are strictly necessary. We make additional efforts to secure all necessary raw materials (in quantity and time required) in order not to jeopardize the continuous production process.


Safety of employees:
Where possible, we have encouraged that all activities which can be performed from distance are performed in such way. All employees are informed about these changes and they are encouraged to stay home in case of any illnesses or exposure. Our primary goal is to maintain the health and safety of our stakeholders. We continuously evaluate the situation day by day and we are committed to continuing to focus on our business and product delivery to our customers.