Improvement of competitiveness and efficiency of SMEs through information and communication technologies
Date of decision on financing: 11.09.2019

Operational Programme: Competitiveness and Cohesion
Project name: Optimization of business processes of the company Bakrotisak PLC by implementing ICT solutions
Public invitation to tender: Improving competitiveness and efficiency of SMEs through information and communication technologies (ICT-2)
User: Bakrotisak PLC, Graničarska 2/a, 43280 Garešnica
Contract number: KK.
Short description of project: Optimization of Bakrotisak PLC business processes by introducing ICT solutions aims to strengthen the company’s market position and competitiveness. One of the key problems of the company is the application of outdated document management methods due to the lack of implementation of ICT solutions and, consequently, leads to reduced competitiveness and labour productivity. The above mentioned problem will be solved by implementing the DMS system, which will result in the integration and significant optimization of 5 business processes, as well as in strengthening the company’s professional capacities and in higher labour productivity. The target groups of the project are the company and its employees, and in addition to them, business partners and clients of the company and end users of their services will also benefit significantly.
Objectives and expected results of the project
Some of the advantages of the realization of the project are:
- reduction of the cost of documentation storage and providing additional office space,
- reduction of the negative impact on the environment by applying “green” business practices, raising the level of security and control over all archived documentation,
- faster and easier finding and retrieving necessary documentation, better and more efficient cooperation among workers within the entire company,
- better backup and recovery from disasters such as floods, fires, etc. from which physical archives are not protected.
In the long term, the project will result in employing 2 new employees (m/f), increasing sales revenue by 2.5%, optimizing 5 business processes, and increasing productivity in the period 2017-2022.
Total project value: 716.624,50 HRK
Total eligible costs: 573.299,60 HRK
Amount of grant: 429.974,70 HRK
Project implementation period: from 01.12.2019 to 1.12.2020
Contact for more information:
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.